i’m jealous of oriol angrill jordà

Spanish born, London-based artist Oriol Angrill Jordà has me totally smitten. Wanna know why? The first three pieces above were done using only colored pencils. WHAT?! Yes, it’s true – and I am in complete awe. And, the final two pieces {which look like a whole lot like double exposure photography} are colored pencil and watercolor. Sigh. Gorgeous.

… I cannot get enough of that first drawing. Let’s look at it again, and marvel at his drawing skills, ok? Ok.

comments (14)

  1. Nomadic D /// 01.02.2013 /// 9:47am

    Those are amazing! I was sure they were photoshop manipulated images or something. Holy moley, those first two blow my mind!!

  2. tyler /// 01.02.2013 /// 10:00am


  3. Kari /// 01.02.2013 /// 1:33pm

    wow – so beautiful. that color!

  4. Melanie /// 01.02.2013 /// 2:36pm


    Okay. Whew. Wow.

  5. the jealous curator /// 01.02.2013 /// 3:32pm


  6. Conrad Crespin /// 01.02.2013 /// 4:24pm


  7. Counsel /// 01.03.2013 /// 9:03am

    This are amazing. love them.

  8. Counsel /// 01.03.2013 /// 9:04am

    THESE are amazing, I mean to say (i am haunted by my typo-tendency…)

  9. the jealous curator /// 01.03.2013 /// 9:09am

    ha! happens to the best of us ; )

  10. Kathy W /// 01.03.2013 /// 1:46pm

    Simply not possible. How do people get so talented? Sigh.

  11. Zia Daugherty /// 01.03.2013 /// 5:52pm

    Wow. Now I’m jealous too!

  12. allie kelley /// 01.05.2013 /// 7:46pm


  13. liz /// 01.20.2013 /// 9:42am

    These are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for introducing me to such fabulous new artists!

  14. The Inspiration Grid : Design Inspiration, Illustration, Typography, Photography, Art, Architecture & More /// 03.08.2013 /// 3:09am

    […] via The Jealous Curator Oriol Angrill Jordà’s website The Daily Dish 2013 Tweet Now you can subscribe to our email updates. Click here to sign up! (function(){ var acc = "acc_520d558_pub";var st ="nocss";var or= "s";var e=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];var d=document.createElement("script");d.src=('https:' == document.location.protocol ?'https://' : 'http://&#39😉 +"engine.influads.com/show/"+or+"/"+st+"/"+acc;d.type="text/javascript"; d.async=true; d.defer=true; e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e);})();       Posted: Friday March 08, 2013 Category: Art Illustration Permalink function checkHeight() { currentTallest = 0; var _h1 = $('.the_content').addClass('x').delay(time).height(); var _h2 = $('.attachment').addClass('x').delay(time).height(); if (_h1>=_h2) { currentTallest = _h1 } if (_h1 currentTallest – $('.the_content').height() – 20){ currentTallest = currentTallest – $('.the_content').height() – 20; $('.the_content').css('margin-bottom',20); } } if(currentTallest != $('.comments').height()){ $('.comments').addClass('overflow_on'); $('.comments').css('width',210); $('.comments').css('padding-right',20); $('.comments').css('height',currentTallest); $("#content").grid(settings,'',false,false); } }); } $(function(){ time = $('#content').find('.post').size() * settings.speed; checkHeight(); var resizeTimerSingle = null; $(window).bind('resize', function() { if (resizeTimerSingle) clearTimeout(resizeTimerSingle); resizeTimerSingle = setTimeout(function(){ checkHeight(); }, time ); }); }); © The Inspiration Grid 2013. All images copyright their respective owners. […]

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