i’m jealous of briar mark
Yep, I could have done this on my Mac too… but I didn’t, and neither did Auckland based artist & designer Briar Mark. She hand-stitched it all. Hilarious, and an excellent statement on craft vs. technology. LOVE! Speaking of love, check out this time lapse video of her hard at work…
{via Jeannie Jeannie}

I’m jealous too. Love typography. Love needlework. Best of both!
These are brilliant! How much I love the intersection of craft and technology. Wonderful.
superb! and such patience! I am especially jealous of that patience!
me too… i do not have that!
So clever. Love this work!
How interesting! There’s something to be said for doing something the slow way sometimes, isn’t there?
I love this!
Nice to see someone who has the same workmethod as I do.
It is hard work and very slow.
But I love the results here!
amazing right? worth all of that hard work! ; )
[…] iCraft Briar Mark Via: The Jealous Curator […]
Beautiful, I was wondering what is the media, is that a paper or it canvas?
[…] https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2012/07/05/im-jealous-of-briar-mark/ […]
[…] Mark, B 2011, ‘I could have done this on my MAC’, [image], The Jealous Curator, viewed on 15 July 2016, <https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2012/07/05/im-jealous-of-briar-mark/>. […]
i was wondering the same thing as satria. i think it might be watercolor paper. when she turns up the edge and you can see it’s been torn along a straight edge, not cut.
the only fabric i can think of that might hold the pin marks so crisply would be tyvek. i have a novelty tyvek windbreaker (from the early 90s) printed with a world map which folds up into a small carrying pouch. the outside repels water and the inside is sort of like paper towel. it’s not uncomfortable, but it is different. this material is used more commonly as an insulating house wrap kind of thing in construction.
i was thinking it would be neat if she put it on a fabric and could make a pillow or something out of it. then i realized that was maybe another aspect of it. embroidery has been around for centuries and fabric would be the usual medium/substrate. there are hundreds of different ways to apply a message or design to paper or fabric or anything else. her technique elevates the text above the usual process of printing paper with ink and the message ironically criticizes or questions the extra effort that was put into it.
but using skill to do something well by hand is always going to be appreciated, at least by some. that’s one of the reasons some people, including myself, knit socks. it costs about $20 for the materials and takes a day or so for something you could buy in a store for a few dollars. but the results and the experience are different and you have the opportunity to customize the construction and color and perfect the fit. but my socks don’t by design openly question their value or the amount of time and money spent making them. i guess it’s simply that the effort was made which answers the question of whether it was worth the resources that went into it. or maybe that question is only answered by knowing whether or not the creator has or would invest the same or similar resources into a 2.0 version.
looking at a painting of a scene is a different experience for a viewer than looking at a candid snapshot of the same subject. oh, i should have stopped already. this work certainly sparks a lot of ideas and connections for me and has made me think. bravo!
[…] https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2012/07/05/im-jealous-of-briar-mark/ […]
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