GIRL CRUSH minneapolis ~ sold out!

Thanks to some amazing people, we were able to lower the price from $275 to $175… and the workshop is now sold out!

First of all, Jennifer Davis is not only an insanely talented artist, she’s also unbelievably generous. She has donated so many fantastic things for the gift bags… art supplies {for our afternoon art project!}, one of her zines, a set of mini prints, a giclee print… and the list goes on. Not only that, but she’s going to raffle off an original piece to one very lucky tea party attendee {I’m secretly hoping it’s me, although I’m sure that wouldn’t be seen as ethical}. The generosity doesn’t end there though – Carolyn Payne, the executive director at sooVAC has offered her space to us, and is working like a mad woman to get us a few sponsors… sponsors like Common Roots Catering who will be providing breakfast treats {along with much needed coffee & tea!}, and Chowgirls Killer Catering who will be donating lunch… and all of it looks DELICIOUS! We’d also like to thank Hang It, for giving coupons to all of the attendees… so that you can frame those lovely prints donated by Jennifer! And, thank you to Vandalia Street Press who will popping a few pretty printed things into our gift bags as well! We’ll be announcing the sponsor for our tea party sweets very soon. See? So much love in Minneapolis! Can. Not. Wait.

comments (5)

  1. Ninotchka /// 04.10.2012 /// 6:25am

    Come to Dallas! Let me know how I can help. 🙂

  2. the jealous curator /// 04.10.2012 /// 6:31am

    i’m coming to austin in september… that’s as close as i can get in 2012! ; ) you should come – it’s going to be amazing! alyson fox is hosting!!!!

  3. Dayna Murrey /// 04.13.2012 /// 8:55am

    Bookmarked!!, I love your site!

  4. allie kelley /// 03.06.2013 /// 4:00pm

    ah man, im bummed that its already sold out!

  5. the jealous curator /// 03.06.2013 /// 8:55pm

    oh too bad you missed it… it was a good one! hopefully i’ll find my way back there at some point : )

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