i’m jealous of ashley joseph edwards

I’ve seen the collage work of London based artist Ashley Joseph Edwards popping up all over the internet lately, but it was his image of that sweet little pink pyramid saying her bedtime prayers that got me. What do you think she’s praying for? A face? A hat? Both?

comments (10)

  1. Angela Beloian /// 01.10.2012 /// 7:59am

    An open mind?

  2. the jealous curator /// 01.10.2012 /// 8:00am

    ha! yes, perhaps.

  3. Hagar /// 01.10.2012 /// 11:36am

    I have a true weakness to triangle/coneheads…

  4. the jealous curator /// 01.10.2012 /// 5:19pm

    yes – i know you do! ; )

  5. Katherine /// 01.11.2012 /// 9:25am

    she’s praying for a blue pyramid boyfriend…or maybe a yellow pyramid pet unicorn! 🙂

  6. the jealous curator /// 01.11.2012 /// 10:04am

    ooh, both sound good!

  7. Becky! /// 01.12.2012 /// 9:03pm

    I am jealous too. Those themes + collage + color sensibility are bananas. O FACE.

  8. Rina Jost /// 01.17.2012 /// 11:31am

    I wish I’d done the first and the second one! stunning!

  9. Ashley Edwards /// 02.26.2012 /// 5:40pm

    Thanks for posting my work!
    I’v got a new website ashleyjosephedwards.co.uk

    Thanks Again!

    Kind Reagards

    Abstract Mind Design
    Ashley Edwards

  10. the jealous curator /// 02.26.2012 /// 7:01pm

    Oh, you’re welcome! Your work is fantastic!!
    ps. I’ve updated the link to go to your new site : )