Oh, I wish that I had been in Seattle when this was happening! New York based artist Zoe Williams created this project called Free Art* for Seattle’s First Thursday art walk. “Colorful felt balls were placed around the Pioneer Square area with tags stating that they were free to take, but in exchange for the free artwork, participants were requested to visit the project website and contribute to a collaborative story.” I couldn’t find the site that went with this {I’m curious about the collaborative story part!}, but in any case, I would have been thrilled to find a sweet little felted ball that I could take home for my very own. I want a yellow one, please.
And on that note, have a happy, colorful, fuzzy, art filled weekend! See you on Monday xo

Well..isn’t that swell. Loving this idea. Maybe I should do this here in Little Rock….hmm….
[…] From art director Mandy Keener: “Well..isn’t that swell. Loving this Free Art project for Seattle’s First Thursday Art Walk. Maybe I should do this here in Little Rock….hmm….” (“I’m jealous of Zoe Williams” from the Jealous Curator) […]
how cute. let’s recreate this EVERYWHERE.
I love cute little pieces of gorilla art such as this. Art Everywhere!