i’m jealous of shane waltener

Auntie Peggy Has Departed 2003 {mercerised cotton, audio equipment, 2 part looped soundtrack; Aldwych Tube Station, The Strand, London}

Gasp! Be still my beating heart – Doily cobwebs… hm, or cobweb doilies… well, either way, I’m left slightly breathless. I wish so much that I had been able to experience London based artist Shane Waltener‘s ode to Auntie Peggy before she departed.

{Thanks so much to Kelly at Design Crush for sending this my way… clearly, she knows what I like!}

comments (4)

  1. Ashley /// 08.16.2011 /// 12:48pm

    Those are the best looking spiderwebs I’ve ever seen!

  2. the jealous curator /// 08.16.2011 /// 2:09pm

    i know… i wish the spiders in my garden were producing that kind of work!

  3. guerilla embroidery /// 08.24.2011 /// 8:03am

    WOWEEE! I am also very jealous of this, jealous I didn’t think of it first! I really like the juxtaposition of domesticity in the worn out, disused looking space. I also like the way Shane Waltener has elivated the humble doily into something beautiful and ethereal.

  4. Margaret Filler /// 08.18.2012 /// 4:57pm

    Love the doily…nothing common about it. I have some my mom made…