january 2nd

I can’t believe the holidays are coming to an end {seemed kinda quick, didn’t it?}. Well, at least there’s still one more day, and time for Marcel Dagenais, my very last guest, to pop in for a visit. He is the editor-in-chief of Working Class Magazine, a very cool Brooklyn-based quarterly art magazine. Yep, “editor-in-chief of an art magazine in Brooklyn”… definitely an item that’s very high up on my list of “things to be inspired by/jealous of”. Hmm… looks like Marcel might have a little list of his own:


I’m jealous of… Guy Bourdin

The late french fashion photographer comes to mind not only because he was producing revolutionary photos for his time, but he was also changing an industry. In his work you see beautiful women but always in contrary settings making both his real life story and his work so provocative and special. Throughout his career he shot for everyone from Italian and French Vogue and also contributed work to international group photo exhibitions. His style is still prevalent in the photography you see coming out today, and I think it will go on like that for forever. He set a new standard for photographers by breaking traditional rules. Being able to leave an impression like that on any industry is certainly something to be jealous of.


Beautiful! Thank you so much Marcel!

comments (6)

  1. Jealousy Curated | Working Class Blog /// 01.02.2011 /// 9:00am

    […] To get the whole story click here. […]

  2. Redna /// 01.05.2011 /// 9:38pm

    Oh my god I love these images!!! I just looked up the Working Class blog and it is absolutely stunning.

    Thanks JC

  3. the jealous curator /// 01.05.2011 /// 11:31pm

    yep, working class is pretty great isn’t it?! {and i’m beyond thrilled that their new issue, that comes out on jan 11th, 2011, has an interview with little old me!}

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