merry christmas… and thank you!

Merry Christmas

Christmas always makes me feel lovey, mushy and thankful. This year I feel very lovey, mushy and thankful… and it’s all because of you! Thank you so much for making The Jealous Curator what it is. I never thought I would “meet” so many amazing people through a simple, little blog – but I absolutely have! Lovely emails, postcards from exhibitions all over the world, and amazing opportunities have shown up on my doorstep and I have you to thank! I also want to say a special thank you to a few artists who, completely unnecessarily, sent me some of their work during 2010 {shown above}. It was like getting Christmas presents all year-round… who wouldn’t feel lovey, mushy and thankful after that?!

Have a lovely holiday with your friends & family! Oh, and don’t forget to pop in next week to visit with my insanely amazing holiday guests! They’re fabulous, and they’re jealous… what a combo!

{1) Aris Moore 2) Lillianna Pereira 3) Justin Richel 4) Tali Yalonetzki}

comments (7)

  1. Lori /// 12.24.2010 /// 11:09am

    I think you must’ve been a really good girl this year. Merry Christmas. : )

  2. Junkculture /// 12.24.2010 /// 11:53am

    Have a happy Holiday and try not to be too jealous of the delicious treats I’ll be gobbling up all weekend!

  3. the jealous curator /// 12.24.2010 /// 4:50pm

    the jealousy will really kick in when you describe the kind of fancy coffee you’re washing those treats down with!!! ; )
    have a lovely christmas xo

  4. The Storialist /// 12.26.2010 /// 2:44pm

    Happy Holidays to you! I really enjoy your blog.

  5. the jealous curator /// 12.26.2010 /// 4:49pm

    thanks so much hannah : )
    happy holidays to you too!

  6. Aris /// 12.29.2010 /// 3:44pm

    Thank you!!!!!! Happy New Year to my favorite curator! Your blog is a bright spot in my day!

  7. the jealous curator /// 12.29.2010 /// 5:24pm

    thanks aris xo!
    hope the masters is going well!

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