i’m jealous of russell leng

I’ll admit it, this is not usually the style of work that I write about. To be perfectly honest, the first thing I did when I found these little gems {pun totally intended} by Canadian artist Russell Leng was send themย  off to Erin Loechner at Design For Mankind, because yes, these are absolutely her kind of thing… but wait, I can’t stop looking at them. A lot. Aaaannnd, now I’m jealous. Well there you have it… these gorgeous, layered, rocky acrylic paintings are my kind of thing!

comments (4)

  1. erin / dfm /// 12.09.2010 /// 7:42pm

    Ha! Yes! I love Russell Leng! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. the jealous curator /// 12.09.2010 /// 9:20pm

    hee hee… me too ; )

  3. Kelly Lynn Jones /// 02.02.2011 /// 12:57pm

    We have some of Russell’s work available over at LPP!


    and yes his work is totally Erin’s thang and mine! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. the jealous curator /// 02.02.2011 /// 1:21pm

    … and mine too! so good.

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