thank you weekend guests xo

So, summer is officially over {and then some!}, and so my lovely weekend guests have gone back home to blog, curate, and make amazing art. I absolutely loved having every single one of them here, and am so grateful to all of them for being my guests.  But don’t worry… it’s not over! The winter holidays will be here soon and I’ll have a warm fire burning, hot chocolate on the stove, and a whole bunch of “holiday guests” to make sure you stay jealous all winter long. Stay tuned…

comments (5)

  1. Junkculture /// 10.17.2010 /// 9:37am

    Thank you for inviting me to be one of your weekend guests! 🙂

  2. the jealous curator /// 10.17.2010 /// 11:03am

    absolutely! thanks for being one of my weekend guests ; )

  3. Kate /// 10.18.2010 /// 11:00am

    it was a blast! i’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  4. the jealous curator /// 10.18.2010 /// 12:22pm

    great!… i’ll keep that in mind ; )

  5. Brian /// 10.19.2010 /// 5:42pm

    Me too! I loved it! Thanks again 🙂

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