i’m jealous of frankie magazine

It’s my ode to magazines week… and I’m starting with a doozie!

I got my first copy of frankie about two years ago, sort of by accident. A friend of mine had been given a copy by an Australian friend of hers… long story short, everyone agreed that it was totally my kind o’ thing, so I ended up with it… and fell madly in love! What is there not to love about this artsy lifestyle magazine from down under? Beautiful photography, gorgeous layouts, hilarious/smart writing, and fabulous full page features on some of my favourite artists {Aris Moore and Holly Farrell for example!}.  Anyway, I managed to find a little shop in my city that carries it… that way I don’t have to wait around for Australian friends of friends to leave a copy behind on a coffee table. Much more efficient.

{Jealous Curator tidbit: about 5 months after I started The Jealous Curator, frankie did a little write up about it in their “frank bits” section. I was thrilled beyond thrilled… still am actually!}

comments (11)

  1. Zette Spaghetti /// 09.28.2010 /// 1:53am

    Ah Frankie my love! Us Melburnians have it lucky as we get it hot off the press and it’s now sold EVERYWHERE. If there’s any problem at all with Frankie it’s that it only comes every second month (and also that I never win any of the giveaways!!)
    Btw I love your blog long time and I’ve been stalking but only just started to comment, but thanks for all the time-wasting goodness and inspiration and references for my art and design projects! 😀

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 09.28.2010 /// 6:47am

    yes you are lucky! the rest of us have to work a little harder to find it, and we have to wait a little longer… but it’s worth it! ; )

  3. Esti /// 09.30.2010 /// 12:37pm

    This is one of the only things I’ve asked my sister-in-law to send me from Australia, once she’ moved to live there by the end of next month.

  4. the jealous curator /// 09.30.2010 /// 2:25pm

    ooh… smart! you’ve got an inside edge… i’ve just got to wait around like the rest of the world, hoping it makes it to the one shop in my city that carries it!
    ps. you should ask for tim tam cookies too ; )

  5. Zette Spaghetti /// 09.30.2010 /// 6:28pm

    Don’t bother asking for Vegemite… you guys just don’t understand the magic of Vegemite!!
    … And are Tim Tams an Australian thing? Hmmm that’s news to me, I thought everyone had them! Tim Tams are awesome just make sure you get the original flavor and not any of the wacky variations they’re putting out. Same with Vegemite. 😀

  6. the jealous curator /// 09.30.2010 /// 9:06pm

    i LOVE vegemite! (i dated an australian for a few years, and so we always had a jar in the fridge… i even knew the song!). and i kid you not, i was JUST saying to someone today that i’ve been craving it, but can’t find it anymore… i heard a terrible rumour that they stopped making it?! true or false.

  7. Zette Spaghetti /// 10.01.2010 /// 2:09am

    Ah completely FALSE! I would absolutely crack it if they stopped making Vegemite… although I don’t imagine they make too much money off it as each jar lasts about a year!
    They introduced a new type of Vegemite which I don’t think has received much good attention (it tastes like Vegemite mixed with cream cheese) so if they discontinue anything it will be that.
    And I think you’re the first American I’ve met who isn’t completely baffled by the stuff. Good for you! You’re welcome at my house for sandwiches and tea and tim tams anytime!

  8. the jealous curator /// 10.01.2010 /// 6:44am

    yay! i’m there! and i promise to use all of my very best australian etiquette… i even know the “corner-biting-tea-sucking” tim tam eating technique!

  9. Zette Spaghetti /// 10.02.2010 /// 7:37pm

    Ah the Tim Tam straw! You really are the expert 🙂

  10. the jealous curator /// 10.03.2010 /// 4:46pm

    yep. i really am ; )

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