i’m jealous on etsy!

I have to admit, when the editor of Etsy’s blog {who also happens to be the blogger known as teenangster} asked me to do a guest post, I was absolutely thrilled, but sort of stunned. “Just throw out a theme to get the ball rolling” she said. Um, have you seen Etsy? Do you know how many thousands of amazing things are on there every single day?! Oh the possibilities! Anyway, after writing back to casually say, “Sure, no problem, this will be fun”, I had a zillion ideas racing through my head, so I decided to sleep on it… and had some very weird dreams by the way. Luckily I woke up with an idea that I was really happy with! A gallery soiree, complete with champagne {well, kinda}. Turns out it was no problem, and a whole lotta fun ; )

{The lead image in the post, seen above, is a collage by Hollie Chastain.}

comments (6)

  1. Kelsey /// 08.26.2010 /// 10:34am

    What a GENIUS idea for a blog!
    Seriously, I can’t even count how many times I see some amazing piece and wish I would’ve thought of it so bad that it bothers me all day long.

    I’m jealous of The Jealous Curator 🙂

  2. Tricia /// 08.26.2010 /// 11:21am

    Very cool!

    I am also jealous of the Jealous Curator! “Damn, I wish I had thought of that!”

  3. The Jealous Curator /// 08.26.2010 /// 1:20pm

    you guys are the best! thanks so much for all of the sweet words xo

  4. Sherie /// 08.27.2010 /// 10:38am

    I just read your little snippet on Etsy! I must say, can someone be jealous of someone else’s jealousy’s? 🙂

    I love your blog, such a great way to showcase artists! And congrats on the Etsy blog too!

  5. Sherie /// 08.27.2010 /// 10:39am

    LOL I just read the other comments about being jealous of you! ahhhh everyone’s jealous! what a great attribute!

  6. The Jealous Curator /// 08.27.2010 /// 12:12pm

    ha! thanks sherie… i’m a little shocked to have people being jealous of me, but it sure is sweet ; )