i’m jealous of phoot camp

Mom… please send me to Phoot Camp! All of the cool kids are going!!! Pleeeeaaaasssse! Sigh. Sadly I’m not a photographer, nor have I been invited, so I guess there will be no Phoot Camp for me this summer. Here’s what was happening in the hills just outside of LA, during the first weekend of August:

Phoot Camp is an invite-only camping trip and photography workshop hosted by Laura Brunow Miner, former editor in chief of JPG Magazine. Picture forty-eight hours of photo walks, scavenger hunts, portrait challenges, s’more making, and other creative collaboration.

Ok, who isn’t jealous?! Yep, that’s what I thought.

{all images above can be found on Flickr… 1) danielslee 2) aqui-ali 3) aqui-ali 4) sgoralnick}

comments (4)

  1. Jessica /// 08.16.2010 /// 5:11pm

    OK. I don’t think I’ve ever said the words that I’m about to before, but “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!” I’m cracking up at these photos and SO wishing I was even remotely close to being of the photographic/creative-talent caliber of these danielslee-aqui-ali-sgoralnick-whatnot people. Thanks for crippling me today.

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 08.16.2010 /// 5:20pm

    no problem. that’s what i do ; )

  3. r*dean /// 08.25.2010 /// 5:00am

    I heard of this ‘phoot camp’, via a photographer I follow on flickr: Lauren Lemon aka Lauren Randolph. I believe she was lucky enough to go.

  4. The Jealous Curator /// 08.25.2010 /// 6:15am

    yep, looks like it would have been fantastic!

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