i’m jealous of andrea zuill

Those are some seriously pissed off little girls… and I could not love them more! California based artist Andrea Zuill liked dressing up when she was young, but I guess that’s quite obvious. I love her bold colour choices, half finished figures, and the general ‘little girl lost’ feeling that each one of them delivers so successfully {they remind me of ‘the lost boys’ from Peter Pan… but oh so much girlier!} I had a pretty big bag of costumes too, which is probably another reason why I loved these paintings the moment I saw them. Although, I have to say, I don’t remember ever being this mad about wearing a bunny hat.

Andrea has a show, titled Seriously Pretending, that runs from July 29th ~ August 30th at boltax gallery on Shelter Island, NY… hm, maybe they’re just seriously pretending to be this seriously pissed off?

comments (1)

  1. Karan Shah /// 07.13.2010 /// 10:51am

    WOW! The colours are awsome

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