i’m jealous of angela fama

I love this, because I do this… and, whether you realize it or not, you do it too! Mirrorface, a series by Canadian photographer Angela Fama, is beautiful, hilarious, and true. Here’s how it works. Each of her subjects were photographed twice. The first shot was taken straight on, like a passport photo. For the second shot however, Angela revealed a mirror below the camera, and left the room. She asked each person to look at themselves the way they would in that final check {that we all do} before heading out the door. When they thought they looked their best, they gave her a signal and, from the other room, she took the photo. The result… Mirrorface! What I find so interesting is that every single person in the series turned their head slightly to the side in order to look ‘just right’. Hmm, perhaps we’ve all seen one too many covers of Vogue!

{My ‘mirrorface’ consists of a head tilt/pout. Why? I have absolutely no idea… but clearly, I’m not alone.}

comments (9)

  1. The Storialist /// 06.02.2010 /// 7:06am

    I just love this!! These are great. Head tilt is required :).

    I actually wrote a poem about this in March (yup, called “Mirrorface”!):

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 06.02.2010 /// 7:26am

    wow! that’s amazing… maybe you and angela should talk ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Color Collective /// 06.02.2010 /// 8:20am

    that is AWESOME!!!

  4. Tweets that mention The Jealous Curator ยป Blog Archive ยป Iโ€™m jealous of Angela Fama -- Topsy.com /// 06.02.2010 /// 8:24am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Chris Bentzen, Contemporary Art Van. Contemporary Art Van said: RT @bentzen: The Jealous Curator is jealous of local Vancouver photogragher Angela Fama's exhibit Mirrorface http://j.mp/bYByPl […]

  5. Kate /// 06.03.2010 /// 7:39am

    More! More!

  6. cari-jane /// 06.03.2010 /// 9:34am

    this actually made me laugh out loud! I love it, what a great idea and the photos are hilarious once you understand what they are doing. Genius.

  7. The Jealous Curator /// 06.03.2010 /// 4:30pm

    me too! and as soon as i saw it i knew what it was… because it was pointed out to me a few years back that i have a very distinct ‘mirrorface’. how embarrassing.

  8. Jutta /// 06.04.2010 /// 1:27am

    Haha, I’m sure mine would look something like that too, except not as cool ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. August 6th – Weekend Links | /// 08.06.2010 /// 10:35am

    […] I’m Jealous of Angela Fama. Fantastic! I’ve met Angela in real life and she’s lovely, so to see her written up like this is amazing. (via SFBayGirl) […]

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