I’m not quite sure what to say. I usually try to keep my posts light and funny, but there is nothing funny about the work of Montreal based artist Sophie Jodoin. These simple images {drawings/collages/paintings on mylar} break your heart while depicting the impact of war. They are so beautiful, but very hard to look at. The first three are my favourite pieces, and are from a series called Small Dramas & Little Nothings. I also love the final three, but I struggled with showing them because quite honestly, they make me feel a little bit sick. Red Torsos is the title of the series, and all of them make me want to cry.
{Thanks to Nathalie for sending me a link to her ‘all time favorite’ artist.}
Wow. Very moving and haunting. I agree that the Red Torsos images are difficult to look at. Part of it is that you can see the faces of the children; gives them identity.
Evocative…if somewhat disturbing. Children figuratively…with no identity…used as a ruse is the disturbing part. It brings us to the reality outside ourselves..as we all are deep down inside children clamouring for love and attention, the thought of this possibility…of this privilege taken away…creates much emotional anxiety.
An area that few can tread successfully artistically.
i like it when art makes a statement. when it is paired with a very strong technique like in sophie’s work, no words are necessary…
Hmmm..no words are necessary? Is that comment not oxymoronic in in iit’s falsehood. Words are truly an essential part of substantiating the very essence of what is valuable in art, the ability to evoke physical response first and then emotional response second, and emotions do not have physical value unless they are expressed with words. Now mind you I cannot for the life of me fully understand the response we go through…but there is almost a cultural “primal scream” of unexplained feelings (the existence of an awareness or emotional state or reaction, physical or intuitive, or otherwise) that impose by the very presence of the artwork and our visual acknowledgement and reaction to it. Words are necessary…whether though of, or felt, or written or however…words are essential to and artworks very existence…It’s very existence!
i think sometimes there are too many words in the art world to be perfectly honest. there is certainly a place/time/need for words to express how work makes us feel (like this blog for instance!), but i also believe, that some art can leave you speechless, allowing you to simply experience a range of emotions, alone, quietly in your own mind. These Red Torso pieces do that for me.
he he James, well I guess I feel them 🙂
I’m not good with words. Of course disturbing comes to mind when you look at Sophie’s work. You put it well. As for me, it leaves me speechless, it leaves me with a ball in my throat, not only because it’s disturbing, but also because it’s so beautiful.
You think?
And I too agree as well, it is discourse none the less.
If we no words we have no Jealous Curator, or other…
Words are not to be feared, no logophobia or hippopotomonstrosequipedaliophobia need be present here…(fear of words, and fear of long words…Wiki)
Okay…I am just showing off now…
Blame my philosophy and art theory professors….as we were not allowed to write our exams but had to give an oral defence to pass…
Now there is some god awful fear!
I am a survivor.
I love this blog immensely…as well as “All the Art out there” …absolutely the best….
By the way Nathalie,
YOu have an awesome site of your photographic art work….
The skateboarder shadows,
and many other images….your still lifes….some truly sensuous art work.
I should be so skilled and to put your art work all together and so beautifully presented…Nice.
And Mr. Jealous Curator……..I check your site out daily, sometimes more….just to see what you have discovered…
Some great stuff, and some great blog…
Thanks so much for your passion.
thanks james… much appreciated, and i agree with you about nathalie’s photography!
Thank you both of you but the photos are not all mine. Actually most of them are from my partner in crime Tim. Castle cat studio is formed by our dynamic duo and our cat muse 🙂