i’m jealous of wayne white’s show


It’s Saturday… do you have plans for tonight? Well, if you live in Dallas {and want to make me insanely jealous} I suggest that you get yourself down to the Marty Walker Gallery. Wayne White’s new show, I Fell 37 Miles to Earth 100 Years Ago, is opening tonight from 6 ~ 8pm. This show of his typographic paintings and sculptures will be on from February 20th ~ March 20th. Ok so, just to recap, I’m crazy jealous of Wayne White… and pretty much anyone that lives in Dallas and gets to see this show in person.

comments (6)

  1. Ren /// 02.20.2010 /// 10:54am

    Love it-
    can’t get enough of typographic art, esp on art work that resembles my grandmothers and add to that a witty ‘all that fake laughin for nothin’ and I’m thinking genius.

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 02.20.2010 /// 11:11am

    i know… total genius. i’ve been jealous many times before, but this work sort of pushes me over the edge.

  3. jetsonjoe /// 02.21.2010 /// 4:10pm

    It is a cultural thing of our time and place and identity.
    And beautiful in how the letters “fit” seamlessly in the “space” of the scene, not to say within the frame. Works on many, many levels.
    Just imagine if graffiti artists took their “tags” to a level of “tag statements” …kind of words in the Bansky style….Hmmmm.
    Love the site…love the postings…Love the art.

  4. The Jealous Curator /// 02.21.2010 /// 9:26pm

    thank you : )

  5. jetsonjoe /// 02.23.2010 /// 5:48pm

    A good friend of mine…and great artist Dan Kennedy sent me this amazing link to a video of Wayne White going “shopping” for his picture frames that he uses to then enhance with his chosen and often funny typography. Check it out and its amazing HD clarity. http://vimeo.com/7819698
    For me…he is an artist that at first I didn’t get…but now I am intrigued and finding this artist lots of fun…and we all love a bit of fun. Thanks, James

  6. The Jealous Curator /// 02.23.2010 /// 7:18pm

    Thanks James… Yes, this is a great little clip! Thanks for posting it : )

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