i’m jealous of chad kouri


So clearly I have a thing for mixed media, especially when found imagery is involved. I love these Mad Men-esque collages by Chad Kouri. I found him while researching my other latest crush, Netherland. They currently have a two man show on at Rotofuji Gallery in Chicago, but it’s closing this Sunday so put on your pantyhose n’ pumps and get down there asap!

comments (4)

  1. jay anderson /// 01.24.2010 /// 12:46pm

    yes they are a bit of fun – remind me of the old Monty Python collages used in some of their animated sequences and I too have a thing for mixed media!

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 01.25.2010 /// 1:57pm

    I forgot about those… they were great!

  3. bree trapp /// 08.19.2012 /// 10:18pm

    If you like this collage/ found image artwork, I suggest taking a look at Beth Hoeckel’s work.

  4. the jealous curator /// 08.20.2012 /// 6:32am

    you’re exactly right about that one! i love beth’s work! twice:



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