i’m jealous of aris moore
I could not decide what made me the most jealous of Aris Moore – her sketchbook, her paintings or her collages – so I’m showing a bit of each. I’m a sucker for an animal head on a human body, I even have a few of them in my own portfolio, but they’re not quite like this… hence the jealousy. These look effortless, lovely and a little bit sad. Now, that said, I’ve never actually tried to make a polar bear or a rabbit look sad, but I’m guessing it’s a bit tricky.

i’m jealous of aris moore too! her work is spectacular!
I couldn’t agree more. And I just have to add, this is art karma at it’s finest… I found her because she wrote about me! Imagine how thrilled I was not only to be written about, but to stumble onto such an amazing artist! I love it when that happens.
her work is so unique. so is she. I’m very jealous too!
me too!
i really love aris’ work {and blog} + am happy to have discovered the jealous curator 🙂
thank you! come back anytime!
it is officially a love fest. except those dog/bear/sheep. they need love. I’m jealous of Aris and the jealous curator. hats off.
ha! that’s so funny… i was totally thinking that we were all knee-deep in a love fest too! pretty good place to be really ; )
I love Aris’s work too and I am pleased to have found your blog just now through Aimee linking to you. I am off to see who else you are jealous of!
yes, aris’s work is wonderful!
and i’ve just discovered your blog, loooove it already 🙂
Aris work is moving. I love how her characters embrace themselves, how delicate they look. I understand why you are jealous of her too!
Dear Jealous Curator! I´m now jealous of You. This site is genius. and so much fun. I´m speechles about the work of Aris Moore. I love what her characters do to me.
oh my… i’m blushing! thanks so much! ; )
So wonderful! I’m following Aris on her blog now!
If you are impressed by this woman’s work you may be very interested in the work of Camilla Engman:
For her work is TRULY original.
Thanks Mandy. I’ve actually written about Camilla twice… and you’re right, so original! Love her : )
OK everyone, some of this stuff is good but most is very silly, it’s very appealing to the adolescent in everyone, which I suppose is nice but really it’s very old hat and I can think of many many illustrators who do this type of work and better.
ann, i would suggest that you look at aris’ current work… she is almost finished her mba, and her work has changed dramatically.
You might like to read this about aris Moore
i did read that when it was first posted… and it made me really angry actually. aris is a very gifted artist, and the work that this person is referencing is from AGES ago. perhaps aris was influenced by camilla at some point, as she was playing around and trying new things, but maybe not. there is a lot of work out there that looks very similar. i’ve done all sorts of things that i think are original and wonderful and then i’ll stumble on someone’s portfolio that is almost exactly the same! (it’s astonishing actually). anyway, you all know that i don’t say anything negative on this site… i’m not sure why anyone would publish something so rude and accusatory without doing a little further research. see? pretty angry.