Another amazing night of button trading at the 6th annual Hot One Inch Action show hosted by Jim Hoehnle and Chris Bentzen. A little too amazing actually. I was so distracted by the hunt for my favourites that I totally forgot to write down the names of the artists whose buttons I was hoarding. Damn. I even had a little note pad with me and everything! Oh well, next year. There were a few extra hot buttons that everyone seemed to be in pursuit of… I got most of them eventually, except for the elusive ‘Cupcake Zombie’… you’ll just have to imagine what that one looked like. Speaking of cupcakes, one of the best titles of the night was the button shown on the top right – Immaculate Confection. Awesome!
i was jealous at ‘hot one inch action’
I wish this kinda activity would reproduce in my city and I could attend! I’m a fan of buttons and these here look great. Anyway, thanks for the many links you are providing me with since I’ve been browsing through your cool cool blog.
I have to say, this was the most fun I’ve ever had at an art show! Great art that you get to pin on your coat and walk out with… what other show would that happen at?
ps. thanks for the kind words about the blog 🙂