laura payne

What? Acrylic paintings, that’s what. This is the very precise work of Canadian artist Laura Payne. I feel a tiny bit dizzy, but in a really, really good way. I’m not sure how this is the first time I’m seeing Laura’s work, but thankfully, she was a finalist in the RBC Painting Competition and so her stunning work showed up in my inbox this morning. Now I want one.


comments (2)

  1. Nikkie /// 10.21.2017 /// 11:13am

    Wow! I love these shapes, lines and color! To me, they are like slices of architecture, or something beautiful and geological like a cliff face or gem! Gorgeous!

  2. Phil /// 10.22.2017 /// 10:32am

    Love her work. I did similar many years ago but these are so unique. Are they on cut wood covered with canvas?

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