claire brewster ~ new work

Gasp! Ok, so I have written about London based artist Claire Brewster many, many times. I’ve even had her on my podcast to talk about her work… her paper-cutting installation work that she’s become very known for. Well, on that podcast episode Claire mentioned she was starting to play around with a new direction. She was not kidding! These are a few of her new mixed media paintings, and a beautiful letter about how she found her way to this work:

“At the end of last year when I first started experimenting with new work, I really thought I would be making wall mounted wooden sculptures.  I worked really hard on them, spent hours working on drawings, converting them into the digital files necessary for them to be laser cut, had a whole load made, painted them and then….

Nothing, the desire to make them disappeared, the ones I had made just felt wrong. There was too much time spent on the computer and not enough making. The need had been so urgent for months that I couldn’t think about anything else and then behind the noise of making these works and struggling to get them to be what I wanted them to be another voice came through.

Make collages with people, it said. And in truth I already was.

I have sketch books full of people (mainly women) cut out from magazines arranged together, like they are waiting for something to happen.This voice became stronger and stronger and it turns out this is the new direction I was meant to be taking. Not the wooden sculptures. That was something I had to get out of my system in order to move forward in a new direction.

It is amazing how ideas and inspiration comes about, it’s never straightforward. I’m learning everyday that I need to listen to my gut, intuition whatever you want to call it. It always knows best. When ever I follow that goodness happens, when I go against it things invariably don’t turn out so well.”

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

comments (7)

  1. leigh hannan /// 07.25.2017 /// 6:13am

    I love that she said the wooden sculptures were something she had to get out of her system in order to move forward; so often I struggle with work that I *have* to to (because I said I was going to do it? because I started it and have to finish? because I simply don’t know what to do next except keep doing what I’ve been doing for so long now?). Now I know there is a purpose to it! Get it outta the way and lets move forward!

  2. the jealous curator /// 07.25.2017 /// 6:52am


  3. Bethany /// 07.25.2017 /// 7:48am

    Ahh the struggle time.This is such an insightful post and speaks to the hard work of “studio practice”. There is a lot of slog to get to the golden moments. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Maggie /// 07.25.2017 /// 7:58am

    Love her work and love the quote! The struggle is real for all of us who try to find our voice in art. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Kelly /// 07.25.2017 /// 8:03am

    Love this. I can identify with the need to change directions because the prior series was completed or not working. Thanks to you both for sharing this.

  6. the jealous curator /// 07.25.2017 /// 9:57am

    i love this letter … so important for all of to read and remember. thank you claire xo

  7. Sandy /// 07.25.2017 /// 2:10pm

    Can’t agree more , listen , listen listen to that inner voice .
    And redirecting can be as scary as starting in the first place.
    Such a good post . Bravo you Claire .

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