emily fromm

These are the comic book inspired acrylic paintings {paintings!?} of San Francisco based artist Emily Fromm. Her color choices are stunning, her subject matter is fabulously kitschy, and I cannot get enough of her hand-painted signs! And, I hope she doesn’t mind me making the comparison, but there is a touch of Margaret Kilgallen in some of her pieces {who happens to be one of my most favorite artists of all time.} Here are a few words from Emily’s site about why she paints what she paints:

“Having been raised in the outskirts of Los Angeles, she was heavily influenced by the over-the-top yet seedy aesthetic of the American West, and often highlights signage, architecture and the iconic style of the region in her paintings. She applies a graphic style that is familiar and nostalgic to these settings, incorporating imagery that is mundane and often low brow, to contrast these grandiose scenes with everyday life.”

… and so  you can see the ‘grandiose’ scale of some of her work:

*This image is from a show at Mighty Box Gallery, SF

comments (2)

  1. Jun /// 03.24.2017 /// 10:45am

    I like DiNAHs.

  2. Nikkie /// 03.25.2017 /// 10:12am

    So great! My fave pick is the painting of the girl sitting on a lifesaver thinking,,,,oh crap, what now! The paintings here are so great and a perfect illustration, kinda humorous, kinda scary,,,,,all the stuff we drive by in the real world to get to Disneyland!

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