liz orton


Sigh. So dreamy. Fractured landscapes that look, to me, like delicate pastel irises. This is the work of UK based photographer Liz Orton, from Deltiologies – “a series of collages that both celebrates and challenges the tradition of landscape photography.” The images are scans of early twentieth century photochromes. This is Liz’s description of this work:

“I have categorized the postcards according to recurring motifs such as lakes, snowy peaks, waterfalls and villages. Subject and composition are endlessly repeated. My approach to this work is to disassemble and reassemble fragments, and produce new arrangements of landscape in which it is harder to locate oneself as a viewer. The circularity is unbalancing  – it disturbs the viewer’s expectation of a horizon and an expanding view. I play with the circle as a metaphor and a means to draw attention to the eye and the photographic lens, as instruments of vision.”


comments (2)

  1. Marianne Clancy /// 01.04.2016 /// 9:33am

    yes dreamy and yes looking like irises and for me so near and dear as I am myself, dreaming of collage images from my own vintage photo collection. This is just so incredibly complex and also soothing that it takes my breath away!

  2. Jessica /// 01.16.2016 /// 9:44am

    WHAT! These are absolutely amazing! Dreamy indeed!

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