ajean ryan


“Dimensional drawings”… that’s how Colorado based artist/assoc. drawing professor Ajean Ryan refers to these pieces from her very extensive portfolio. There is something so fun, experimental, child-like about them. Bits and pieces from everyday life assembled into delicate, 3D “drawings”… drawings that have me convinced to drop everything and run to my studio so I can start gluing something to something else!

comments (7)

  1. Audrey /// 11.24.2015 /// 1:23pm

    Wonderful! I would of never thought to have collages dimensional.

  2. JacquelineUpshurart /// 11.24.2015 /// 3:29pm

    howwww? so amazing.

  3. tanis /// 11.24.2015 /// 7:44pm

    Ahh, I just want to touch it. is that bad of me? 🙂
    It’s also a delicious affirmation about the direction my own work is taking for a grp show in january.. working thru some of the trickier bits and this is a nice window for perspective. thanks.

  4. the jealous curator /// 11.24.2015 /// 8:52pm

    don’t touch it… obviously i’m going to have to put velvet ropes on the site!

  5. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 11.27.2015 /// 2:00pm

    […] work via Little Paper Planes 6. Ajean Ryan’s “dimensional drawings” via The Jealous Curator 7. Super chunky knits for pets via iGNANT 8. Bill Henson’s anti-portraits of ballerinas via […]

  6. Amy Tingle /// 11.28.2015 /// 6:02am

    What the what?!! SO good. The little kid in me does want to purse my lips and blow . . . but I won’t. I am gonna try to construct something myself though. It’s like a house of cards, only a squillion times better!!

  7. andrea guskin /// 12.01.2015 /// 9:38pm

    inspiring and unique–yes, I am feeling the jealousy:) also feeling that impulse to share with everyone (which I haven’t had in a while) as I think these dimensional drawings are so delicate, joyful and bold..I want to see them live. As a mixed media artist working in thread, tape, etc.–I am especially interested in how she integrates the thread.