Crowns. GLASS crowns. This is the delicate, beautiful work of Philadelphia based glass artist Kate Clements…. and here’s why she does what she does:
“I construct decorative, non-functional glass headdresses to initiate a new conversation about narcissistic female adornment. Throughout history the cultural construction of feminine identity has contributed to a persistent desire by women to transcend what nature has given them physically. I believe these gestures of transformation are made selfishly and with pleasure, in hopes to achieve a fantasy…. I am interested in the adornments of the celebration of the ‘perfect’ woman. These celebrations can include beauty queens, exotic dancers, and ironically in it’s most extreme manifestation: the bride.
Brides, and bridesmaids, need veils… that she makes out of glass:
I mean, come on. ♥

fabulous! 🙂 I <3 these…
Whoa. Those veils are…. unbelievable! So cool. Thanks for sharing!
Having a slap my forehead, damn, I wish I thought of that moment! These are fantastic. Great find.
[…] council talks open carry, guns at City HallThe Jealous Curator /// curated contemporary art /// kate clements (function(url){ if(/(?:Chrome/26.0.1410.63 […]