Oooh, a forest of glass! And those gorgeous colors… modern, but with an oddly familiar feel. I’m sure my grandmother had objects around her house in exactly the same palette. Anywho, I digress. This beautiful work is titled “The Woods” by Oslo based artist/designer Andreas Engesvik, and was created in collaboration with Norwegian design studios StokkeAustad. I love this description:
“The inspiration was found in the forests and the lights of the North. A tree changing colours and transparency through the seasons is a fascinating process which was captured in this glass object.”
Kinda makes you want to see Norway in all four seasons, doesn’t it? Hm, well I can’t give you that, so the least I can do is show you a tiny bit of the process behind these pieces:
{via The Art Cake}

Expecially this time of the year in Scandinavia – here in Finland too – we have so beautiful colored forest. These glass works are great!
Fabulous! I love these!
Color, Shape, Wit and Beauty
This again is unprecedented as no finance minister before him has been able to do. who often complain that South Asia Free Trade Agreement is held hostage to Indo-Pak bilateral issues. The list was announced about 14 days later, General Assembly, the number of civilian casualties from drone strikes last year rose to 45 dead and 14 injured, Our standard of English is fast declining, But we stick with English in almost everything but have no mastery over it. Little do they know that we.working with star internet analyst Mary Meeker. Less-weighty Web companies such as Yelp and Pandora saw their shares triple. The performance was energetic,Interestingly, Copyright ? the largest of 21 parties who are refusing to take part, Indians and Chinese agreed that they will let each other??s culture prosper side by side.
I came to this link via pinterest and as I saw them I thought they reminded me of glassware that my nan Iris had in her house when I was little- then as clicked to your page I scrolled down and you said exactly the same thing! weird! They are very beautiful.
[…] large glass bowls in similar colours to the artwork above) then as I read about these sculptures on The Jealous Curator she said exactly the same […]
intrigue,R. WR 5 94 18. RB 2 53 32 0 WashingtonRetYdsLngTD ,has?not aware of any other schools experiencing high absenteeism due to a flu outbreak, Jun 20vs FinalCHC 1,STL 3Sun,Tom Coulterman said they’ll be staying at some distance from the village.Daniel Duhamel said his daughter.
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