i’m jealous of lee borthwick

Sigh… I would love to stumble across these mirror-covered chunks of wood while out for a stroll in countryside! London based installation artist Lee Borthwick uses “natural, organic and reclaimed materials, allowing the viewer to recapture the sense of reflection offered by dramatic landscapes.” Yes. Yes she does! Luckily, if you live in the UK, you don’t have to hope for a chance encounter with her work in the woods – she has recently been commissioned by Anthropologie EU to take her gorgeous wood/mirror/wire tapestries {each one is totally unique and hand-made by Lee} from the woods, to your wall:

Oh my.

{ps. if you live anywhere other than the UK, you can try contacting Lee directly if you want to buy one of her tapestries}

comments (15)

  1. jacqueline | the hourglass files /// 07.30.2013 /// 6:51am

    For a tapestry made out of inflexible materials, it has a certain fluidity to it. So cool. And I can imagine how magical it would be to hike through one of her outdoor installations!

  2. the jealous curator /// 07.30.2013 /// 7:03am

    i know! i’d love to just come across this! mind you, i’d also really love to have one of those wall hangings in my house! so breathtaking.

  3. Katie D. /// 07.30.2013 /// 7:11am

    Breathtaking indeed!

  4. brandi marie /// 07.30.2013 /// 7:40am

    Just…. wow!

  5. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 07.30.2013 /// 8:10am


  6. Jane /// 07.30.2013 /// 12:46pm

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  7. Caroline /// 09.02.2013 /// 6:16am

    Absolutely gorgeous. I’m also jealous!

  8. ebb & flow :: fabulous finds & divine designs » Weekend Wrap Up 9.15 /// 09.15.2013 /// 12:53pm

    […] • I need a mirrored tapestry. […]

  9. FEELING INSPIRED, JUST ROLLING WITH IT | D E S I G N L O V E F E S T /// 09.16.2013 /// 12:55pm

    […] lee borthwick mirrored installation found over on the jealous curator […]

  10. Marijke Gussenhoven /// 01.17.2014 /// 12:50am

    Very beautiful, especially reflecting the greens, but also a bit of recognizing!
    see http://www.orsmaal.nl/ned/CatchtheLight.htm

  11. 9 UNIQUE Outdoor Activities for Babies - How Wee Learn /// 01.10.2015 /// 8:50am

    […] Add Mirrors to Stumps – The Jealous Curator – I think this idea is just brilliant.  We have a few stumps from old trees and when my littlest was just learning to stand I owuld encourage him to pull himself up using them.  By adding mirrors to the top I would have added quite the incentive to get him standing – what baby doesn’t love mirrors?  And the learning and games that can be played on top of stumps like this!  Yep, I am sticking with BRILLIANT. […]

  12. Jade Hughes /// 04.19.2015 /// 6:41am

    Can you please contact me regarding how i order one of these?? how much?? please contact me via email or text me on 05539380025 x

  13. Erika Grimm /// 07.02.2016 /// 4:29pm

    Hello. I am interested in the mirrored wood hanger. Are you still making them.?

  14. Anne greer /// 08.01.2016 /// 9:01am

    I would love to enquire about purchase

  15. DMA /// 02.08.2017 /// 9:28am

    My installation 2002 – Sculpture bienale
    Sculpture At Evergreen 2002 Sculptors Creating New Work for Evergreen’s
    2002 Sculpture Exhibition –


    Upon reflection, a lovely piece of work
    Adam’s sculpture, in Evergreen show, brings sky to earth
    Art Review
    August 08, 2002|By Glenn McNatt | Glenn McNatt,SUN ART CRITIC
    Among works in the outdoor sculpture exhibit currently at Evergreen House is an array of curved mirrors that cling to the historic Garrett mansion’s sun-drenched south lawn, looking for all the world like rows of shiny blue buttons sewn onto the grass.

    The piece, titled Silent Sky’s Blueprint on Earth, was made specifically for this exhibit by Romanian-born artist Doina Adam, who used 72 security mirrors – the kind found in elevators, convenience stores, banks, etc. – to create a 650-square-foot meditation on the unity of nature.

    Adam’s site-specific sculpture is one of the loveliest pieces in this intriguing show, a work that combines conceptual sophistication with visual simplicity and elegance. Each of its individual mirrors reflects a slightly different view of landscape and sky, whose colors change with the weather and the sun’s passage overhead.
    “I believe at this time of disturbance and great hope for peace, my work will help people get closer to nature and its silent equilibrium,” Adam says in text accompanying this work, which she calls a “dialogue and reflection among the elements.”

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