i’m jealous of bronwen vaughan evans

Oh my, I’m seeing double – and I like it! This is a series, titled “Splitting Image”, by Melbourne based artist Bronwen Vaughan Evans. I just wrote about a printmaker on Tuesday and thought I might be working on a bit of a theme for the week…  until I read that these are gesso and oil paintings on board. HUH?! Amazing. Also amazing – Bronwen’s description of this show, and how she hung it {in two separate locations at the same time!}:

“This body of work explores the notion that our experience is mirrored elsewhere by other unknown persons. The works allude to the fleeting realisation that, in certain moments, we share a connection with strangers who are having a similar experience. Thus the show suggests a twinning of sorts and references the concept of a doppelganger.

The show consists of 30 pairs of paintings. While the paintings in each pair are essentially identical, the individual works do differ slightly. The pairs were split and exhibited in geographically separate locations. The two shows opened simultaneously, and the audience was made aware of the fact that there was another almost identical exhibition happening elsewhere, thereby actualising the feeling of mirrored experience.

The geographical splitting of the works also references the idea that while two people might be looking at exactly the same image, their perception of that image will differ, and one can never fully know the vision of the other.”

comments (9)

  1. rossana taormina /// 06.20.2013 /// 1:02pm

    great idea, I love these works …

  2. Bronwen Vaughan-Evans /// 06.20.2013 /// 4:46pm

    Wow, Thanks so much!

  3. Kirsty /// 06.20.2013 /// 8:42pm

    I’m proud to count Bronwen as a friend – one of the most talented people I know. Ridiculously clever. Well done Bron!

  4. Penny /// 06.20.2013 /// 10:57pm

    Bronwen’s work is so worthy of being jealous about, it’s overwhelmingly beautiful and intelligent.

  5. Charles /// 06.21.2013 /// 12:07am

    Great works Bronwen, when is the next exhibition ?

  6. karen /// 06.21.2013 /// 2:12am

    Bronwen truly is an amazing artist who deserves to be recognised internationally.

  7. Rebecca S. /// 06.21.2013 /// 7:12am

    Very beautiful work and concept.

  8. Denise Murray /// 06.23.2013 /// 2:53am

    AND she’s my daughter in law! You’re a shooting star, Bron.

  9. the jealous curator /// 06.23.2013 /// 6:35am

    oh that’s so sweet! : )