i’m jealous… and in mourning

Do you remember this? A few years ago I wrote about this amazing abandoned farm house, turned life-sized dollhouse, on the Canadian Prairies. It was the work of artist Heather Benning:

So dreamy, right? Well, it’s almost like it was a dream, because just like that, it’s gone:

Sad face. But, it was the right thing to do. The building had become very unstable, and Heather didn’t want it to collapse, or be vandilized, so this past March she took matters into her own hands, and she set it on fire. Sad face, again. Although, if it had to go, it’s pretty cool that it went out in a blaze of glory!

Oh, pretty prairie dollhouse, I know it was your time, but I’ll still miss you. I will always remember you like this:


{Great article/interview with Heather Benning about this on CBC}

comments (7)

  1. Mary Gaspar /// 05.30.2013 /// 2:27pm

    That is NUTS! And by nuts I mean nuts how darn cute that house was AND how sad/poetic/ironic the house aBLAZE was…CRAAZZZZY. I’ll be thinkin’ about you cute little dollhouse 🙁

  2. Natalie, the Chickenblogger /// 05.30.2013 /// 2:38pm

    Reminds me of Burning Man, and other rituals of temporary, or spiritual art. It’s sad, and yet liberating. What an interesting and whimsical art piece.

  3. m.a.tateishi /// 05.30.2013 /// 4:24pm

    Rats. I didn’t even know it was still a possibility to see this until now. I’d have to drive over the Rockies and all, but it would have been an amazing art trip.

  4. the jealous curator /// 05.30.2013 /// 6:43pm

    i know – i wish i’d seen it in person too!

  5. annton /// 05.31.2013 /// 1:07am

    to this many of us seem to connect; time changes, so do places while we travel this journey called life. the idea of burning a house when leaving it, is absolutely liberating, as it was already said. but like burning pictures of a former lover, it is sad and poetic at the same time.

  6. Happy Weekend and Welcome June! | Volatizing The Esters /// 05.31.2013 /// 2:23am

    […] life sized prairie dollhouse gone- so […]

  7. kari /// 06.04.2013 /// 2:53pm

    This seriously reminds me of a book I just read, “Whered Ya Go Bernadette?!”