it’s a…

Happy Hallowe’en! Yep, it’s the perfect day for giving treats, and boy oh boy, have I got a good one for you!Β The stunningly beautiful art magazine, Fine Line, is going to package up their first four issues into a neat little box set for two, that’s right, two lucky readers! All you have to do is “like” their Facebook page, and leave a comment here {so I can draw your name/know how to give you the good news!} I’ll do the draw on Thursday November 3rd, at noon Pacific time, and announce the two winners here {leave me your email too if you’d like!} Yep, that’s it… easier than dressing up and going door to door looking for treats, don’t ya think?

Oh, and here are a few of my favorite artists, that have been featured in these first four issues {ie. a little preview of the treat!}:

{Jesse Draxler // Javier Pinon // Hollie Chastain // Amira Fritz // Jonathan Zawada}

comments (113)

  1. jessica van fleteren /// 10.31.2011 /// 6:36am

    Happy halloween !

  2. Lise /// 10.31.2011 /// 6:37am

    I would love to win this prize!

  3. Suze /// 10.31.2011 /// 6:44am

    Pick me! Pick me! πŸ˜‰

  4. Frida /// 10.31.2011 /// 6:55am

    beautiful! i want to win!

  5. pam /// 10.31.2011 /// 6:56am

    fingers crossed!!

    and i looovvvve your blog!!

  6. Lauren Brescia /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:00am

    Happy Halloween! I do LOVE candy… But I have say this looks pretty good too! I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  7. Susannah /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:11am

    Oh, oh, love this! Would love to my hands on Fine Line!

  8. amy /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:11am

    Oooh! I’d like that…!

  9. staci /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:23am

    my fingers are crossed! love your blog and your thoughts! and to win would just be wonderful!

  10. rmontgomery /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:23am

    yes i would love to win! thanks

    (i don’t have a website , , , hope i am still eligible)

    beca 51 @

  11. seelvana /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:35am

    i want to win! πŸ˜‰

  12. Erika /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:35am

    Not just one issue but THE SET? Too good to be true! Would absolutely love.

  13. Jilly /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:36am

    That Holly Chastain piece is amazing! I love love the giveaway!

  14. Niki /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:45am

    RAAAR!! I β™‘ THIS
    TWITTER: @nikipilkington
    EMAIL: info(at)

  15. Michael T. /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:53am

    How lovely! Thanks, and Happy Halloween to all!

  16. Jesse Untracht-Oakner /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:56am

    I would love to win the magazine package! I love the magazine πŸ™‚ thanks

  17. jennifer /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:02am

    oh yay! love this!

  18. Macon /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:05am

    Ooh I’ve been wanting to pick these up for a while!

  19. Allison /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:05am

    Happy Halloween! Who doesn’t love a good giveaway?!

  20. David /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:09am

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Fine Line Magazine! Can’t think of anything better than all 4 issues!

  21. ada /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:10am

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fine Line! Better than candy ; )

  22. Lewis Koch /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:10am

    quadruple “like”

  23. Jackie /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:17am

    sweet stuff!

  24. Gregory Martens /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:17am

    win or lose – – this is FUN!

  25. mary-claire /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:22am

    I’m really hoping I win this. It’d make my month.

  26. maja /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:23am

    now that’s a treat!

  27. Kristen Althoff /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:29am

    Oh I would love to win this so much!!!

  28. Scott Cee /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:31am

    I already like Fine Line, but I like what I see here too! Diving in…..

  29. Jessica Pritchard /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:37am

    I would love to get these issues! I asked for them for my birthday, and was very sad when I didn’t. Beautiful magazine!

  30. Barry /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:41am

    Fine Line is a really great magazine. Keep it coming.

  31. Andrew Gralton /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:43am

    yes please…

  32. Eric Krueger /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:49am

    Great giveaway! Would love this!

  33. Rachael /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:01am

    It’s great to see a magazine featuring contemporary art!

  34. Alex /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:02am

    ooh! great inspiration πŸ™‚

  35. Mark Morton /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:02am

    You can now buy limited edition prints from Jesse Draxler at

  36. Anika /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:06am

    Would love to win! I don’t facebook but think I could like them in “real life”. Great selections…I recognize them from introductions in your past posts. Thanks!

  37. ashley /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:10am

    I wish I saw your magazine in stores in California. Still keeping an eye out at Pins and Needles for your stuff.

  38. Megan /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:36am

    I have had these issues on my wishlist since they came out! fingers crossed πŸ˜‰

  39. nathaniel /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:12am

    Like. A lot. Want. A lot. Fingers crossed!

  40. Shalini /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:13am

    Ohhh me gusta. Yes please!

  41. Kent /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:14am

    PICK ME!

  42. Mira /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:16am

    I’m in love..

  43. Allie /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:22am

    LOVE! pick me please!

  44. KH /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:28am

    woohoo! FINE LINE Giveaway!!

  45. Norah /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:40am

    Best Halloween treat ever!

  46. Niki /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:40am

    I would love to win this!

  47. jamie /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:46am

    i have someone i would like to gift these to for their birthday!

  48. Marcela Vega /// 10.31.2011 /// 11:08am

    So beautiful, I would love to win <3

  49. Allison Reimus /// 10.31.2011 /// 11:21am

    Oooh, I want!

  50. Joy Patrice /// 10.31.2011 /// 11:28am

    I’m a of both you and the lovely ladies of Fine Line. Thanks for the opportunity!

  51. Sofia /// 10.31.2011 /// 11:42am

    I will be really happy if I win….
    Best Wishes

  52. Marisa /// 10.31.2011 /// 11:56am


  53. Gerline /// 10.31.2011 /// 12:04pm

    Love your blog! DonΒ΄t know Fine Line but would love to get to know them!

  54. Julie Lapointe - La Datcha /// 10.31.2011 /// 12:17pm

    Very nice giveaway!

  55. Martha /// 10.31.2011 /// 12:18pm

    Love the magazine!

  56. Ella /// 10.31.2011 /// 12:32pm

    Me please! Looks like a great publication!

  57. Ashley Clement /// 10.31.2011 /// 1:04pm

    woooo hooo!!! πŸ™‚

  58. john bohl /// 10.31.2011 /// 1:34pm

    : )

  59. Megan Paonessa /// 10.31.2011 /// 2:16pm

    Count me in. I’d love to take a look at Fine Line!

  60. Sheila /// 10.31.2011 /// 2:31pm

    What a great giveaway! I’m not familiar with Fine Line, but I can tell that I’ll love it. πŸ™‚

  61. Ashley P /// 10.31.2011 /// 2:50pm

    Awesome giveaway! I liked Fine Line on Facebook.

  62. Lauren A /// 10.31.2011 /// 3:39pm

    Guurlll, you got some fine lines

  63. Daphne /// 10.31.2011 /// 3:44pm

    I’d love to win this! Thanks!

  64. Elise /// 10.31.2011 /// 3:48pm

    I love Fine Line! I love the fact that it’s got such great talent featured and that they are from Milwaukee! πŸ™‚

  65. JT /// 10.31.2011 /// 4:28pm

    Sure! Why not? A+ perfect!

  66. Amber /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:20pm

    Yes, please!!

  67. Kara /// 10.31.2011 /// 7:32pm

    Great giveaway. Liked on Facebook. <3

  68. Tiffanie /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:20pm

    Yes, please!

  69. Brian M /// 10.31.2011 /// 8:35pm

    Fine Line is based out of Milwaukee, right?
    I’m from right around there!

  70. Jenny /// 10.31.2011 /// 9:10pm

    Love it!

  71. Sarah /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:00pm

    Liked it on facebook! Will love it in my hands! sarahp_is(at) πŸ™‚

  72. Delia /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:02pm

    Makes me proud of Milwaukee.

  73. Linda Starr /// 10.31.2011 /// 10:22pm

    Please, pretty please and than you.

  74. Elsa /// 11.01.2011 /// 12:03am

    Beautiful prints, would love to have fun. Happy belated Halloween!

  75. christina /// 11.01.2011 /// 3:36am

    the 3rd is my birthday! i really hope i win…

  76. Lisette Muratore /// 11.01.2011 /// 4:07am

    Woop woop consider fine line liked!

  77. Heather /// 11.01.2011 /// 5:26am

    like like like! love,


  78. Rebeca Trevino /// 11.01.2011 /// 6:53am

    Yes! thank you, i would love to win.

  79. Chris /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:02am

    I would cherish these lovely paper items.

  80. Gina /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:03am

    I am already jealous of whomever gets picked! (pick me)

  81. Jeff Stevenson /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:14am

    Trick or Treat!!

  82. Suzy /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:18am

    The perfect treat for me πŸ™‚

  83. ColleenBaran /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:23am

    Ohhhh- these look amazing! Love issues 1 & 4 in particular.

    Sign me up please!

  84. Moira /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:32am

    Awesome works. And great giveaway. I’m feeling lucky.

  85. Morgan P. /// 11.01.2011 /// 7:51am

    This giveaway is so exciting! I would be in heaven if I won the Fine Line’s first 4 issues!!!! I’ve happily liked them on facebook, too.
    p.s. I LOVE your blog.

  86. Beata /// 11.01.2011 /// 8:59am

    You guys are doing a great job with the magazine, I especially love the mirror image book covers. It feels very iconic!

  87. Nadia /// 11.01.2011 /// 9:08am

    AMAZING giveaway!!! I would be so excited to win this!

  88. kelly /// 11.01.2011 /// 9:09am

    these are amazing! i love them!

  89. jorjiapeach /// 11.01.2011 /// 9:21am

    i really dig this. your blog. fine line magazine. the generosity.


  90. anna /// 11.01.2011 /// 9:33am

    Wow, great magazine. Really inspiring! Thanks for sharing.
    I’d love to win a copy.

  91. Isabel /// 11.01.2011 /// 10:36am

    Thanks you for showing us such a beautiful illustrations!

  92. Kate Blackport /// 11.01.2011 /// 12:08pm

    Ooooh hope I win!

  93. Sharon /// 11.01.2011 /// 1:19pm

    What a wonderful treat for Halloween! Thanks!

  94. Morgan /// 11.01.2011 /// 2:00pm

    I already have the set but they would make a great gift!

  95. Lucia Baeza /// 11.01.2011 /// 3:10pm

    For me pleeease!!

  96. Cem /// 11.01.2011 /// 4:39pm

    great giveaway, thanks!!

  97. Darcy /// 11.01.2011 /// 4:53pm

    This looks wonderful! Me please!

  98. Ciara /// 11.01.2011 /// 5:03pm

    love love love!!

  99. Anya Adores /// 11.01.2011 /// 11:59pm

    Would LOVE to win this amazing price – so fingers xxxx for everybody – but mostly me hi hi :O)
    Happy November

  100. Caroline Hancox /// 11.02.2011 /// 2:49am

    Don’t really know what else to say apart from pick me pick me! x

  101. i eye iye! /// 11.02.2011 /// 4:01am

    si, good give away. thanks.

  102. danielle /// 11.02.2011 /// 7:48am

    I recently became a mom and have stepped out of the art arena. Thank you for getting me excited about art again! Your sellection of artists gets me so jazzed:)) a million thanks!!!

  103. Amanda /// 11.02.2011 /// 7:49am

    What an awesome giveaway! Consider their facebook page thoroughly “liked!”

  104. Clare /// 11.02.2011 /// 1:08pm

    If wishes were horses I’d ride off with this giveaway tomorrow!

  105. RayR00 /// 11.02.2011 /// 10:25pm

    Wowza! I’ve been wanting to get my hands on an issue of Fine Line. Four of them would almost be too awesome.

  106. Amelie /// 11.03.2011 /// 1:04am

    I’m sure you will pick me!

  107. lightaction /// 11.03.2011 /// 3:00am

    I’m jealous of the jealous curator

  108. Lauren /// 11.03.2011 /// 5:06am

    Love your blog! Love the Fine Line. Hope you pick me!

  109. gena /// 11.03.2011 /// 5:15am

    Thanks for the giveaway!!! Love your blog – it is always one of my first stops for inspiration. PICK ME PLEASE!!

  110. Ryan /// 11.03.2011 /// 6:01am

    Oh, oh! I love Fine Line. I love them so much I like them on Facebook already (and I would love a set of the first issues!)

  111. paula /// 11.03.2011 /// 6:02am

    Great idea!

  112. Willem Douven /// 11.03.2011 /// 6:04am

    So cool that I found out the fine line magazine!! I’m a big fan from across the Ocean and if you give me the price I’ll spread some good words about it over here in Belgium…
    Thanx and Happy Halloween everyone of you…

  113. Beth Norris /// 11.03.2011 /// 10:12am

    I would love this prize, Fine Line is pure class!

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