december 27th

For the longest time, I thought that American artist Lisa Golightly was actually two people, better known as Kiki & Polly. Turns out, it’s just her. Easy mistake though, as her site, her Etsy shop, and her blog all go by that name.  She has a very sweet explanation behind Kiki & Polly, that just so happens to go perfectly with her lovely work {soft paintings that explore bits and pieces of sunny childhood memories, often in the form of sweet, faceless children}. Anyway, I know that Lisa’s a very busy/popular lady these days, so I’m thrilled that she has taken a break from the studio to let us know who makes her jealous:


I am jealous of Alex Kanevsky

I love his use of color and confidence in how he uses the paint and creates movement in his pieces.  Those big chunks of color and drips, how he creates objects with seemingly few strokes is so beautiful to me.  It looks effortless, confident and unafraid.  The color palette he works with makes even his unlikely subjects ‘pretty,” which to me, makes it even more interesting to explore.

I am a jealous, jealous gal.


Yep… I can relate! Thanks so much Lisa… now, back to the studio you go!

comments (2)

  1. The Storialist /// 12.27.2010 /// 9:18am

    Very stunning.

    In some weird mindmeld, my poem today links to one of Lisa’s paintings!

  2. guest post /// 12.27.2010 /// 9:50am

    […] have a guest post today over at one of my all time favorite blogs (!) The Jealous Curator.  So if you are curious what artist I am jealous of, hop on over […]

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