i’m jealous of mr.coupland’s house

For those of you who don’t know, I’m in the middle of decorating my very own imaginary dream house {filled with fabulous art} over on sfgirlbybay, in a series titled The House that Jealousy Built. Well, it turns out that Canadian writer & artist Douglas Coupland is doing exactly the same thing… oh, except for one tiny difference… he actually lives in his dream house {filled with fabulous art}! Giant detergent bottles, spools of coloured thread on the wall, and white Lego around the support beams. Hm… I wonder if he’s looking for a roommate? No? Oh, ok.

{via The New York Times}

comments (4)

  1. Brian /// 08.31.2010 /// 4:17pm

    The wall with the spools of thread is AMAZING!

  2. The Art Cupboard /// 08.31.2010 /// 5:56pm

    what a fantastic house! its like a modern art gallery!

  3. The Jealous Curator /// 09.01.2010 /// 7:06am

    i know! can you imagine actually living in there? and yes, those spools of thread are easily my favourite part of the whole house {… and the little car parked in the driveway ain’t bad either!}

  4. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links /// 09.03.2010 /// 4:52pm

    […] 12. Such a gorgeous, colorful and brilliant way to store thread via The Jealous Curator […]

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