i’m jealous of emma hack

Ok, so, who feels like totally redecorating all of a sudden? Yep. Me too! I’m jealous, inspired… and wondering how long these women had to stand still for?! Well, long enough to find their way into Australian artist Emma Hack‘s Wallpaper series I suppose. Amazing.

{via Design For Mankind}

comments (3)

  1. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 07.02.2010 /// 3:50am

    […] 4. Emma Hack’s talent for blending in via The Jealous Curator […]

  2. Jen /// 07.07.2010 /// 1:27pm

    I love how she uses Florence Broadhurst wallpapers, I dream of a house covered in her papers…unfortunately they are over $100 AUS a roll

  3. The Jealous Curator /// 07.07.2010 /// 4:32pm

    you should get emma to come over and paint your walls… and maybe you too!

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