i’m jealous of wayne white


When I found these, I actually felt my soul being crushed by the weight of the jealousy.  I have a studio full of thrift store landscapes that I’ve been collecting for about a year. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with them, but believe you me, it was gonna be AMAZING… but Wayne White beat me to it! He got to the thrift store first, bought all of the best vintage landscapes, and then {just to add insult to injury} he knew exactly how to change these 1970’s Bob Ross-ish oil paintings into modern, typographic masterpieces. LUV HURTZ indeed… I think my soul needs a bandage.

{Marty Walker Gallery, Dallas Texas, Wayne White: I Fell 37 Miles to Earth 100 Years Ago, February 20 – March 20, 2010 – Opening: Saturday, February 20, 6-8pm … you know you want to go!}

comments (15)

  1. Kathleen /// 02.01.2010 /// 9:28am

    My heart is breaking right along side yours. I’m going to go sob into a pillow now and curse God for not giving me this kind of talent.

  2. The Jealous Curator /// 02.01.2010 /// 9:39am

    good idea! maybe i’ll go do the same… i don’t know if it will help, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.

  3. Esti /// 02.03.2010 /// 5:50am

    I know that feeling. Very much.
    This is great, by the way. Simply very imaginative and transforming.

  4. grace /// 02.03.2010 /// 6:11pm

    oh man…seriously those are amazing!

  5. The Jealous Curator /// 02.03.2010 /// 7:46pm

    i know… they rip your heart out just a little bit don’t they?

  6. Things I ♥ THURSDAY « Paulie, Papier-mâché & Me /// 02.04.2010 /// 2:15am

    […] like The Jealous Curator that turn vintage landscapes into typographic […]

  7. renee anne /// 02.11.2010 /// 4:25pm

    these are amazing!!!!!

  8. The Jealous Curator /// 02.11.2010 /// 5:01pm

    i know : (

  9. jetsonjoe /// 02.13.2010 /// 4:07am

    Hey guys, remember that when you read about Wayne, is that he has been constantly working in some sort or another in creative endeavors….so his moment of inspiration has a big resovoir of time and lots of work…and testing what works and does not work and how something looks and does not look right…so alas…the message here is like Wayne, work feverishly all the time…and do not think inspiration will come out of nothing…it comes out of something big…and lots and lots of work. Think of our selves as visual scientists…always testing our current hypothesis…and then moving , evolving on to the next , hopefully finding out big discovery of eureka. It happens….remember…we are visual scientists, or experimentors….

  10. The Jealous Curator /// 02.13.2010 /// 9:10am

    yes, that’s very true. here’s the link to his wikipedia profile… did you know that he was a set & puppet designer {and even some of the voices} on ‘pee wee’s playhouse’. i loved that show!… did i just totally date myself?!

  11. lesley /// 06.22.2010 /// 10:20am

    gahhh, these are fantastic!

  12. Juanita /// 07.12.2010 /// 6:29pm

    That happened with the invention of the light bulb and telephone. Imagine how you’d feel if someone beat you to that.
    But these are lovely.
    Very nice.

  13. The Jealous Curator /// 07.12.2010 /// 7:57pm

    ha! well, that’s true… thanks for putting it in perspective for me! ; )

  14. The Suburban Pen Pal /// 07.15.2010 /// 9:18am

    Wow….I just…..wow. I need to lie down for a while.

  15. The Jealous Curator /// 07.15.2010 /// 4:07pm

    yeah. i know. i’ve been lying down for awhile now.

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